
  • These replicas are produced by the Franklin Mint. Franklin Mint has for years been producing items such as miniature trains, stamp facsimiles, planes and knick-knacks. They have also done many first day cover collections. Their stock in trade is to produce very attractive presentations of items - albums for stamps and covers, cabinets for miniatures. BUT their pricing always far outweighs the value of the items being presented. Franklin Mint collections invariably sell on the secondary market for far less than originally priced. Very beautiful but essentially of little value.
  • I worked at Stamp & Coin shop in Dallas, Texas for many years during the time of 1980-1998. We would have many people come in asking if we buy these stamps. Our offer was always $1.00 each. We only offered that because we had a buyer who paid us $1.95 for each one. They also came on FDC from Franklin Mint.
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