Post Offices and Postal Agencies in Liberia

  1. Cockrill, Philip: The Internal Postmarks and Cancellations. LIBERIA series booklet 8. Published by House of Antiquity.
  2. Chlanda, Henry (1989): Liberia institutes use of postal codes. LPS Journal Jan./Mar. 1989: 1–2.
  3. Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications: Postal codes for Liberia.

Some of the post offices listed here used alternate town names on their early postmarks: “Bassa” and “Grand Bassa” cancels are from (Lower) Buchanan, “Sinoe” from Greenville. Some had their name changed, like Paynefield to Spriggs Payne, or Tchien to Zwedru, and some seem to have vanished altogether, e.g. “Arthington”, which is only known from the 1890s.
On the map, post offices without current postal codes are marked orange. In two cases (Buah and Kpayan) the former postal codes given in [2] seem to refer to whole districts rather than towns.

  1. Arthington, Montserrado, town at 06°30'43"N, 10°40'36"W
  2. Barclay Training Centre, postal code 1000-12, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  3. Barclayville, postal code 5500, Grand Kru, capital of county at 04°40'28"N, 08°13'59"W
  4. Bentol / Bensonville, postal code 1010, Montserrado, capital of county at 06°26'50"N, 10°36'46"W
  5. Bopolu, postal code ?, Gbarpolu, capital of county at 07°04'00” N, 10°29'15” W
  6. Brewerville (also “Brewersville”), Montserrado, town at 06°25'24"N, 10°47'02"W
  7. Buah, Grand Kru, district at 04°57'00"N, 08°09'00"W
  8. Buchanan / (Grand) Bassa, postal code 4000, , , Grand Bassa, capital of county at 05°52'52"N, 10°02'41"W
  9. Capital Building Post Office, postal code 1000-13, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  10. Careysburg, Montserrado, town at 06°24'12"N, 10°32'55"W
  11. Cavalla, Maryland, town at 04°21'38"N, 07°35'27"W
  12. Central Monrovia, Post Office, postal code 1000-10, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  13. Cestos City / Rivercess, postal code 4500, , River Cess, capital of county at 05°27'36"N, 09°34'58"W
  14. Clay Ashland, Montserrado, town at 06°25'21"N, 10°43'29"W
  15. Crozerville (also “Crozierville”), Montserrado, town at 06°27'08"N, 10°37'51"W
  16. Edina, Grand Bassa, town at 05°55'25"N, 10°04'36"W
  17. Foya (also “Foya Kamala”), postal code 7520, , Lofa, town at 08°21'37"N, 10°12'23"W
  18. Freeport of Monrovia, postal code 1000-11, Montserrado, harbor at 06°20'35"N, 10°47'37"W
  19. Ganta, postal code 3510, Nimba, town at 07°14'06"N, 08°59'04"W
  20. Garaway (also “Garraway”), postal code 6510, Grand Kru, town at 04°30'00"N, 07°56'04"W
  21. Gbarnga, postal code 3000, Bong, capital of county at 06°59'44"N, 09°28'20"W
  22. Gedetarbo, Maryland, clan at 04°34'00"N, 07°37'00"W
  23. Grand Cess, postal code 5510, Grand Kru, town at 04°34'17"N, 08°13'23"W
  24. Greenville / Sinoe, postal code 5000, , Sinoe, capital of county at 05°00'40"N, 09°02'20"W
  25. Harbel, postal code 1520, , Margibi, town at 06°16'47"N, 10°20'51"W
  26. Harper / Cape Palmas, postal code 6500, , Maryland, capital of county at 04°22'30"N, 07°43'01"W
  27. Juarzon, Sinoe, town at 05°22'55"N, 08°50'43"W
  28. Kakata, postal code 1500, Margibi, capital of county at 06°31'48"N, 10°21'06"W
  29. Kanweakan (also “Kanweaken”), postal code 6020, River Gee, town at 05°14'02"N, 08°01'16"W
  30. Kolba City / Kolahun, postal code 7510, Lofa, town at 08°17'13"N, 10°05'04"W
  31. Kpayan, Sinoe, district at 05°04'30"N, 08°48'00"W
  32. Lake Piso / Fisherman's Lake airfield, Grand Cape Mount, airport in WW2 at 06°45'20"N, 11°21'20"W
  33. Logan Town, postal code 1000-40, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  34. Marshall, postal code 1511, Margibi, town at 06°08'55"N, 10°23'01"W
  35. Millsburg, Montserrado, town at 06°28'27"N, 10°40'44"W
  36. Monrovia, postal code 1000, , Montserrado, capital of Liberia at 06°18'38"N, 10°48'17"W
  37. Nanna Kroo (also “Nanakru”), Sinoe, town at 04°49'50"N, 08°43'34"W
  38. New Kru Town, postal code 1000-30, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  39. Nyaake / Webbo, postal code 6530, River Gee, town at 04°51'06"N, 07°35'51"W
  40. Paynesville, postal code 1001, Montserrado, town at 06°16'03"N, 10°42'33"W
  41. Pleebo (also “Plebo”), postal code 6520, Maryland, town at 04°35'22"N, 07°40'20"W
  42. Randall Street, postal code 1000-20, Montserrado, location in Monrovia
  43. Roberts International Airport / Roberts Field, postal code 1510, Margibi, airport at 06°14'25"N, 10°21'30"W
  44. Robertsport, postal code 2500, , Grand Cape Mount, capital of county at 06°45'12"N, 11°22'07"W
  45. Saclepea, postal code ?, Nimba, town at 06°57'45"N, 08°50'26"W
  46. Sallala (also “Salala”), postal code 3030, Bong, town at 06°44'45"N, 10°06'30"W
  47. Saniquelli (also “Sanniquellie”), postal code 3500, , Nimba, capital of county at 07°21'44"N, 08°42'22"W
  48. Sasstown, postal code 6000, , Grand Kru, town at 04°39'54"N, 08°25'42"W
  49. Spriggs Payne / Paynefield, postal code 1000-14, Montserrado, airport at 06°17'23"N, 10°45'29"W
  50. Talla (also “Tala”), Grand Cape Mount, town at 06°46'27"N, 11°17'52"W
  51. Tappita, postal code 3520, , Nimba, town at 06°29'32"N, 08°51'37"W
  52. Tubmanburg / Bomi Hills, postal code 2000, Bomi, capital of county at 06°52'14"N, 10°49'16"W
  53. Voinjama, postal code 7500, , Lofa, capital of county at 08°25'19"N, 09°44'52"W
  54. White Plains, Montserrado, town at 06°27'51"N, 10°40'38"W
  55. Zia Town, postal code 7020, Grand Gedeh, town at 05°45'59"N, 07°51'19"W
  56. Zleh Town, postal code 7010, Grand Gedeh, town at 06°13'36"N, 08°26'07"W
  57. Zorzor, Lofa, town at 07°46'46"N, 09°25'49"W
  58. Zwedru / Tchien, postal code 7000, , Grand Gedeh, capital of county at 06°04'00"N, 08°07'41"W