• Paper Seals

    envelope seals made from paper came into use around 1850; replacing the usual wax seals at public authorities, they reached the height of their popularity in the first two decades of the 20th century, when it became customary for private businesses as well to have their own seals printed for representative purposes; the typical paper seal was round with a diameter less than two inches, pre-gummed like a stamp and had an embossed imprint showing a crest and the sender’s identification; after 1920, they became less and less common until there were only a few offices left using them in the 1930s.
    see also envelope seals of the Woermann Line.

    • Liberian official seals

      • Department of State Monrovia
      • Consulate Ancona
      • Liberian Legation Paris
      • Consulate General Vienna
      • Consulate General (Belgium?)
  • Christmas Seals

    “Christmas seals are labels placed on mail during the Christmas season to raise funds and awareness for charitable programs. They have become particularly associated with lung diseases such as tuberculosis, and with child welfare” (Wikipedia). There is only one seal listed for Liberia in Green’s authoritative catalog “Tuberculosis Seals of the World.”

    • community welfare service

      Christmas (Tuberculosis) seal issued by the Young Men's Christian Association of Liberia in 1951.

      • YMCA Christmas Seal