In this section you can find all basic stamps and souvenir sheets issued by Liberia through 1996.
If should be seen as a help for identification; therefore, stamps are organized mainly by
design regardless of catalog number or intended purpose, meaning that regular, official and airmail
stamps including surcharges are grouped together.
Just mark the checkboxes to the right and press ‘Submit Selection’.
You can select all groups at once, but loading may take a while!
Below each stamp are given its Scott catalog number to the left, date of issue to the right, and information
about the catalog value in the middle (mint - used).
Values are mainly based on Scott and Michel 2012 catalogs, and are coded by falling into one of ten price ranges, indicated by the
number of diamonds:
“♦” = below 30c,
“♦♦” = 30c..99c,
“♦♦♦” = $1..$2.99,
“♦♦♦♦” = $3..$9.99,
“♦♦♦♦♦” = $10..$29,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $30..$99,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $100..$299,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $300..$999,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $1000..$2999,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $3000 and above.
Catalog prices for many Liberian stamps are dubious, but at least this should give you a hint if some stamp is waste paper or your ticket to Rio!
Stamp images have a resolution of 150 dpi, except for souvenir sheets which have 100 dpi.
Thus, on the average 96 dpi monitor souvenir sheets will show close to their natural size,
while stamps are enlarged by 50 percent.
Crosses and Circles
In general, Liberia's classic postage stamps were printed on paper without dedicated watermark – some are known with paper-makers watermark – but there are two exceptions:
most of the early Waterlow & Sons issues are watermarked “Rosette” (not the triangle stamps), and all issues printed in Germany are watermarked “Crosses and Circles”.
Fourth Pictorials 1918 and surcharges
engraved by Perkins, Bacon & Company, England, on unwatermarked paper, perforated 14 except for the 25c stamp, which is perforated 12½.
regular issue
163_pre-printing_paper-crease 1918
official issue
O100_inverted_brown_ovpt 1918, Jan.
O102_dark_green 1918, Jan. ♦♦♦ - ♦♦
O102_green 1918, Jan. ♦♦♦ - ♦♦
O106_inverted_ovpt 1918, Jan.
O106_double_ovpt 1918, Jan.
O108_dark_olive_bister 1918, Jan.
“Red Cross” issue
this issue is exceptionally rich in varieties and errors; used copies are extremely rare.
B9 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦♦
B10 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦
B12 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦♦
B13 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦♦♦
B14 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦♦♦
B15 1918, Aug. 7 ♦♦♦♦♦ - ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
surcharged 1920
complete sheets of 50 were overprinted for both values, regular and official, with a setting of 50; major varieties are: “CEETS” for “CENTS” (position 32) and italic “9” in “1920” (position 40) for “THREE CENTS” on one cent, and Roman numeral “I” for “1” in “1920” (positions 11, 14 & 38) and the third bar at base made up of 18 short diagonal lines (position 40) for “FOUR CENTS” on two cents.
surcharged 1923-1927
sheets of 50 surcharged in panes of 25 after being folded down the center and with margins removed, except type of 1927 (“wavy lines”) which was overprinted with a setting of 50 and with margins left on;
four types of obliterator bars:
type I “fancy cross ornaments”, setting of 5 x 5, on official stamp in red (1923 and 1926) and on regular and official stamp in black (1926) with one spelling error “Gents” for “Cents” (position 10), on official stamps only;
type II (1926) “black bar” often made up of two bars of unequal lenght, setting of 5 x 5, in black on regular stamp with variety “TwoCents” lacking space between words (position 2), and, in addition, on official stamp with “Two Gents” spelling error (position 10);
type III (1926) “red quads” usually aligned horizontally giving the appearance of two parallel bars, but also featuring several varieties with some quads being oriented vertically, setting of 5 x 5, on official stamp in red and again one known spelling error “Gents” for “Cents” (position 10);
type IV (1927) “wavy lines”, one setting for whole sheet of 10 x 5, on regular and official stamp in red with six sub-types of wavy lines, and with the following setting varieties and errors of “Two Cents”: “T wo” (position 4), “Ceuts” (position 20 & 36), “Cen ts” (positions 28 & 29), “Vwo” (position 32), “Two 1Cents” caused by lead spacing bar showing (position 42), and “Twc” (position 50).
O155_dbl_ovpt_one_inv 1923/1926
228_dbl_ovpt_one_diag 1926
regular issue ovpt 1936
250_brown_on_red_ovpt 1936
official issue ovpt 1936
268_rotated_star 1936 ♦♦ - ♦♦♦