In this section you can find all basic stamps and souvenir sheets issued by Liberia through 1996.
If should be seen as a help for identification; therefore, stamps are organized mainly by
design regardless of catalog number or intended purpose, meaning that regular, official and airmail
stamps including surcharges are grouped together.
Just mark the checkboxes to the right and press ‘Submit Selection’.
You can select all groups at once, but loading may take a while!
Below each stamp are given its Scott catalog number to the left, date of issue to the right, and information
about the catalog value in the middle (mint - used).
Values are mainly based on Scott and Michel 2012 catalogs, and are coded by falling into one of ten price ranges, indicated by the
number of diamonds:
“♦” = below 30c,
“♦♦” = 30c..99c,
“♦♦♦” = $1..$2.99,
“♦♦♦♦” = $3..$9.99,
“♦♦♦♦♦” = $10..$29,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $30..$99,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $100..$299,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $300..$999,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $1000..$2999,
“♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦” = $3000 and above.
Catalog prices for many Liberian stamps are dubious, but at least this should give you a hint if some stamp is waste paper or your ticket to Rio!
Stamp images have a resolution of 150 dpi, except for souvenir sheets which have 100 dpi.
Thus, on the average 96 dpi monitor souvenir sheets will show close to their natural size,
while stamps are enlarged by 50 percent.
Crosses and Circles
In general, Liberia's classic postage stamps were printed on paper without dedicated watermark – some are known with paper-makers watermark – but there are two exceptions:
most of the early Waterlow & Sons issues are watermarked “Rosette” (not the triangle stamps), and all issues printed in Germany are watermarked “Crosses and Circles”.
President Tubman’s European Tour (in 1956) 1958
frames engraved and vignettes lithographed by H.L. Peckmore & Son, USA on unwatermarked paper, perforated 10¼, imperforate.
this set is notorious for its large number of “errors”: wrong, inverted and no flags, flags with parts missing, shifted or inverted, and even a spelling error were deliberately produced with the philatelic market in mind.
regular issue
air post issue
frame only
C114_no_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_no_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_no_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_no_flag 1958, Jan. 15
part flag
368_missing_red_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
368_missing_blue_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
369_missing_black_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
369_missing_red_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
369_missing_yellow_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
370_missing_blue_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
370_missing_yellow_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C114_missing_red_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C114_missing_green_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C115_missing_red_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C115_missing_blue_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C117_missing_black_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
C117_missing_yellow_imperf 1958, Jan. 15
flag wrong color
C116_black_flag 1958, Jan. 15
flag only (frame on gum)
368_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
369_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
370_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
C114_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
C115_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
C116_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
C117_flag_front_frame_gum 1958, Jan. 15
inverted flag
368_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
369_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
370_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
C114_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
C115_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
C116_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
C117_inverted 1958, Jan. 15
wrong flag
Dutch flag
369_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_Dutch_flag 1958, Jan. 15
German flag
368_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_German_flag 1958, Jan. 15
Swedish flag
368_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
369_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_Swedish_flag 1958, Jan. 15
Italian flag
368_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
369_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_Italian_flag 1958, Jan. 15
French flag
368_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
369_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_French_flag 1958, Jan. 15
Swiss flag
368_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
369_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C117_Swiss_flag 1958, Jan. 15
Vatican flag
368_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15
369_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15
370_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C114_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C115_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15
C116_Vatican_flag 1958, Jan. 15